Hoosier Action is a homegrown, independent community organization based in rural and small-town Indiana and led by members across the state. We believe that by acting together we can create an Indiana where all Hoosiers, Black, white, and brown, are able to shape the decisions which affect our lives. We love our home and we are committed to keep fighting to get the Indiana we all deserve.
Since our founding in 2017, Hoosier Action has built power for Hoosier families through deep, relational organizing. We have reached out to over 1 million of our neighbors by knocking on their doors, organizing events, calling them on the phone, or texting them, and held real conversations about what matters and what they need from our state. We work on the issues most important to our members from preventing overdoses to fighting for rent relief and pushing for protections for pregnant workers.
From a stop sign in New Albany to winning statewide campaigns, we’ve won real victories together, including:
Protecting our health and families: In Franklin, we worked to help win an EPA commitment to clean up a carcinogenic toxic site that was causing high rates of childhood cancer. In Martinsville, our members moved the mayor to commit to more transparency about the impacts of an EPA Superfund site and have worked with the EPA on a clean-up plan.
Saving our healthcare: In 2019, we helped lead a statewide campaign to defeat the implementation of unnecessary new Medicaid requirements which would have resulted in an estimated 70,000 Hoosiers losing their healthcare right before the COVID-19 pandemic. We worked with African-American clergy in Indianapolis and Northern Indiana to build out a statewide campaign, aligning rural and urban Hoosiers. We spent nine months organizing, leading actions, press conferences, town halls, and ultimately surfacing plaintiffs for the federal lawsuit which ended the requirements.
Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic: When the pandemic began, we rapidly pivoted from in-person to digital organizing to build out the largest people-centered response in Indiana. Since the crisis began we have reached out to over 75,000 Hoosiers via phone calls, text messages, and direct engagement on social media platforms. We have moved over 7,500 Hoosiers to take political action, many of them politically active for the first time, and helped to win $40 million dollars in statewide rent relief.