We build the power of working families in Indiana’s small towns and rural communities by bringing people together across their differences to fight for what matters most to them.
Through robust outreach, leadership development, strategic campaigns, and civic engagement we create real change, while growing a base of Hoosiers who’ve been left out and left behind.
Black, white, and brown, all Hoosiers deserve to live lives of dignity and opportunity. But big corporations and the politicians they pay are putting our lives and futures at risk by rigging the rules to enrich themselves, while they distract us by generating fear based on race, background, and religion.
We believe that by acting together we can make certain everyday Hoosiers are at the center of the decisions that shape our lives. We love our home and we are committed to keep fighting to get the Indiana we all deserve.
From young people of color to single moms to Hoosiers in recovery, we make the future by bringing new Hoosiers into political action and developing homegrown leadership in Indiana. Over the past four years, we’ve provided training and leadership development to thousands of Hoosiers across the state.
We meet our neighbors by knocking on their doors, picking up the phone, and going to community events. We listen and hold real conversations with one another to build deep relationships and learn what matters the most to them.